玩命速递:重启之战 The Transporter Refueled

玩命快递:肆意横行(台) / 玩命快递4 / 非常人贩4 / 玩命速递4 / The Transporter Legacy / Transporter 4
动作 / 惊悚 / 犯罪 / 
法国   英语 /  /  / 俄语 /  /  / 法语 / 
2024-05-26 06:05:26


“弗兰克·马丁”这次惹上了大麻烦,麻烦竟然是他的老爸带给他的,夹在四位美女和俄罗斯黑帮之间的父子俩这次在法国尼斯上演了一出与黑帮的火爆较量。凭借高超的车技和劲爆的身手,弗兰克在枪林弹雨和围追堵截中杀出重围,与退休的特工老爸一起演绎“上阵父子兵,同抱美人归”。 Frank Martin, played by newcomer Ed Skrein, a former special-ops mercenary, is now living a less perilous life - or so he thinks - transporting classified packages for questionable people. When Frank's father (Ray Stevenson) pays him a visit in the south of France, their father-son bonding weekend takes a turn for the worse when Frank is engaged by a cunning femme-fatale, Anna (Loan Chabanol), and her three seductive sidekicks to orchestrate the bank heist of the century. Frank must use his covert expertise and knowledge of fast cars, fast driving and fast women to outrun a sinister Russian kingpin, and worse than that, he is thrust into a dangerous game of chess with a team of gorgeous women out for revenge. From the producers of LUCY and the TAKEN trilogy, THE TRANSPORTER REFUELED is a fresh personification of the iconic role of Frank Martin, that launches the high-octane franchise into the present-day and introduces it to the next generation of thrill-seekers. 优尚影视为您提供2015年由艾德·斯克林,雷·史蒂文森,洛安·沙巴诺尔,加布里埃拉·赖特,塔蒂阿娜·帕科维奇,于文霞,拉蒂沃杰·布克维奇,诺米·勒努瓦,尤里·科洛科利尼科夫,莱恩·库德里亚维斯基,萨米尔·盖丝米,安纳托·陶布曼,约亨·海格勒,塞德里克·舍瓦姆,让·巴蒂斯特·普奇,雷吉尔·库迪乌,蒂博·埃弗拉德,洛拉·弗雷主演,卡米尔·狄拉玛导演的《玩命速递:重启之战》/原名《The Transporter Refueled》/又名《玩命快递:肆意横行(台) / 玩命快递4 / 非常人贩4 / 玩命速递4 / The Transporter Legacy / Transporter 4》动作,惊悚,犯罪电影在线观看完整版,《玩命速递:重启之战》百度云网盘资源以及《玩命速递:重启之战》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《玩命速递:重启之战》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

