赛末点 Match Point

迷失决胜分(港) / 爱情决胜点(台) / 赛点
剧情 / 爱情 / 悬疑 / 犯罪 / 
英国   英语 / 
伍迪·艾伦 / 
2024-05-26 08:05:46


穷小子威尔顿(乔纳森•莱斯•迈勒斯)为改变自己的命运,从爱尔兰来到伦敦当起网球教练,立誓要凭一身网球绝技混入对该运动情有独钟的上流社会。结识富家公子哥汤姆后,他得到机会,对方的妹妹克罗伊(艾米莉•莫蒂梅尔)对他一见钟情,其后,在对方的父亲的相助下,威尔顿顺利混入上流社会。   正当要与克罗伊谈婚论嫁时,威尔顿邂逅汤姆的女友、来自美国的女演员诺拉(斯嘉丽•约翰逊),后者同样在为进入上流社会做着不懈的努力。相似经历令两人萌生真情,但威尔顿并没为诺拉放弃自己的计划。一切梦想都成真后,威尔顿重遇已与汤姆分手的诺拉,两人旧情复燃,威尔顿开始在她与妻子之间周旋。不久,诺拉怀孕坚拒堕胎,威尔顿迎来人生的赛点。 From a humble background and with traditional values, Irish Chris Wilton is still struggling financially despite being a recently retired high ranked tennis pro. He has taken a job as a tennis instructor at an upscale London tennis club, although he knows there is a better life for him somewhere down the road. He is befriended by one of his students, wealthy Tom Hewett. Chris starts to date Tom's sister, Chloe Hewett, a girl-next-door type who is immediately attracted to Chris. Chloe quickly knows she wants to marry Chris, and through her businessman father, Alec Hewett, tries to help Chris and their future by getting him an executive job in Alec's company. In his life with the Hewetts, Chris begins to enjoy the finer things in life. Through it all however, Chris cannot help thinking about Nola Rice, a struggling American actress who he meets at the Hewett estate and who is Tom's unofficial fiancée. Nola is vivacious, and she knows the effect she has on men, including Chris. Unlike Chris, Nola is not accepted by Tom and Chloe's mother, the outspoken Eleanor Hewett. Chris has to decide if he can give up what he has been able to achieve with Chloe and the Hewetts, or if the passion he feels for Nola is stronger than the finer things in life to which he is now accustomed. He may go to any length to have his cake and eat it too. 优尚影视为您提供2005年由乔纳森·莱斯·梅耶斯,斯嘉丽·约翰逊,马修·古迪,艾米莉·莫迪默,布莱恩·考克斯,米兰达·莱森主演,伍迪·艾伦导演的《赛末点》/原名《Match Point》/又名《迷失决胜分(港) / 爱情决胜点(台) / 赛点》剧情,爱情,悬疑,犯罪电影在线观看完整版,《赛末点》百度云网盘资源以及《赛末点》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《赛末点》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

