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邢佳栋 / 于震 / 铁伟光 / 罗秀春 / 李梅可 / 郭金杰 / 孙征宇 / 
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2024-01-21 12:01:18
故事发生在抗战时期的中原大地。贾寨与张寨自古因宗族之争一向不和,鬼子入侵后因抗战他们摒弃前嫌一同抗战。由于汉奸张兆银(林龙麒 饰)与鬼子里应外合,敌人轻易入侵两寨,龟田(于博宁 饰)队长一边修炮楼一边抢粮食,老百姓陷


故事发生在抗战时期的中原大地。贾寨与张寨自古因宗族之争一向不和,鬼子入侵后因抗战他们摒弃前嫌一同抗战。由于汉奸张兆银(林龙麒 饰)与鬼子里应外合,敌人轻易入侵两寨,龟田(于博宁 饰)队长一边修炮楼一边抢粮食,老百姓陷入水深火热之中。龟田还害死了贾文坡(米喜 饰)和荷花(陈小妹 饰),并觊觎贾文绵(于震 饰)新婚妻子玉仙(程琤 饰)的美貌,想强行霸占。贾文锦与张兆喜原为国军士兵,战场溃败后解甲归田,目睹日寇的行径,他们组织了白马团黑马团联合抗日。八路军文工团长贾文柏(铁伟光 饰)秘密回村侦察敌情,整合了两寨的抗日武装,维持会长贾文清(邢家栋 饰)是地下党员,他配合黑白两团里应外合打击敌人,不料,在一次战斗中贾文清英勇牺牲...... Jia Village and Zhang Village contend with each other all the time. When the Anti-Japanese War breaks out, Zhang Zhaoyin from Zhang village becomes a traitor, and helps Kameda and his force enter the two villages easily. The Japanese troops build gun turrets and plunder food in the two villages, making villagers suffer a lot. After knowing what Japanese troops have done, Jia Wenjin and Zhang Zhaoxi who are defeated in Kuomintang battlefield feel extremely angry. Thus, they form their own anti-Japanese force named White Horse Regiment and Black Horse Regiment. Jia Wenbai, an art troupe commander of the Eighth Route Army, is designated to come back to the villages to spy on the enemy, and develop armed force in enemy's rear area. Thus, Jia Wenbai integrates Jia Wenjin's anti-Japanese force and Jia Wencan's special detachment. They cooperate with Jia Wenqing, the president of Peacekeeping Organization, attacking enemy in organization. Meanwhile Zhang Zhaoyin realizes his error and decides not to work for Japanese any more. He also joins the anti-Japanese force. At last, under the command of the Eighth Route Army, villagers of Zhang and Jia destroy the gun turret and defeat Japanese force together. 优尚影视为您提供2012年由邢佳栋,于震,铁伟光,罗秀春,李梅可,郭金杰,孙征宇主演,何群导演的《零炮楼》历史,战争影视在线观看完整版,《零炮楼》百度云网盘资源以及《零炮楼》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《零炮楼》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

