JOJO的奇妙冒险 ジョジョの奇妙な冒険

ジョジョの きみょうな ぼうけん / Jojo no Kimyōna Bōken / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
剧情 / 动作 / 动画 / 冒险 / 
日本  日语 / 
2024-05-26 07:05:54
在一次意外中,乔纳森(兴津和幸 配音)的父亲乔斯达爵士(菅原正志 配音)被陌生少年迪奥布兰度(子安武人 配音)所救,善良的爵士收留了自称无依无靠的迪奥,后者则以养子的身份正式进入了乔斯达家族的大门。在他人的眼中,迪奥



在一次意外中,乔纳森(兴津和幸 配音)的父亲乔斯达爵士(菅原正志 配音)被陌生少年迪奥布兰度(子安武人 配音)所救,善良的爵士收留了自称无依无靠的迪奥,后者则以养子的身份正式进入了乔斯达家族的大门。在他人的眼中,迪奥是一个优秀正直的少年,可是,只有经历过迪奥残酷欺辱的乔纳森才知道,在迪奥光鲜的面具后面,隐藏着一颗邪恶的心。 果不其然,随着年龄的增长,迪奥开始觊觎起了乔斯达家族的庞大家产。无意间,迪奥发现了能够使人变得强大的石鬼面具,为了获得更多的财富和权力,迪奥毫不犹豫的带上了面具。在成为了恐怖的吸血鬼后,迪奥开始了对乔斯达家族的疯狂报复。为了替父亲和整个家族报仇,乔纳森开始修炼唯一能够打败吸血鬼的波纹气功,面对着强大的敌人极其党羽,乔纳森能够获得最终的胜利吗? Chronicles the struggles of the cursed Joestar bloodline against the forces of evil. Beginning in 1880, Part I follows Jonathan Joestar as he matures with and eventually combats his adoptive brother, the cunning, merciless Dio Brando. Set in 1938, Part II follows the misadventures of Joseph Joestar, grandson of Jonathan, as he masters the Ripple in order to combat hostile, ancient super-beings named the Pillar Men; creators of the Stone Mask. Part III follows Jotaro Kujo and his group as they journey from Tokyo to Cairo to save his mother's life by defeating his family's resurrected archenemy, Dio. In Part IV, an Arrow manifesting latent Stand abilities travels throughout Morioh, Japan in 1999; as high-schooler Josuke Higashikata (illegitimate son of Joseph) and friends seek out the culprit of a series of decade-long homicides. Set in 2001, Part V follows Giorno Giovanna, son of Dio, and his ambition to rise within the Neapolitan mafia by subverting its most powerful gang: Passione. 优尚影视为您提供2012年由兴津和幸,子安武人,川澄绫子,上田耀司,杉田智和,佐藤拓也,田中敦子,大塚明夫,藤原启治,井上和彦,大川透,乃村健次,伊丸冈笃,飞田展男,盐屋翼主演,津田尚克,加藤敏幸,铃木健一,大脊户聪,南康宏,东出太,米田光宏,内田信吾,高村雄太,间岛崇宽,藤本次朗,阿部雅司,江副仁美,佐佐木真哉,西本由纪夫导演的《JOJO的奇妙冒险》/原名《ジョジョの奇妙な冒険》/又名《ジョジョの きみょうな ぼうけん / Jojo no Kimyōna Bōken / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure》剧情,动作,动画,冒险影视在线观看完整版,《JOJO的奇妙冒险》百度云网盘资源以及《JOJO的奇妙冒险》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《JOJO的奇妙冒险》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

